- For Readers
- For Authors
- For Librarians
Acceptance Rate: 39%
Days to First Editorial Decision: 18
Author Guidelines
You need to use these instructions to format the manuscript according to the template_manuscript.
- The manuscript text, excluding the title, author details, abstract, keywords, and bibliography, must be a minimum of 3,000 words and a maximum of 7,000 words;
- A suitable word count for abstracts typically falls within the range of 150 to 300 words;
- The number of keywords typically ranges from 5 to 7;
- The manuscript should be submitted in electronic format (.doc, .docx) exclusively through the journal's online submission system (Open Journal System - OJS);
- A cover letter signed by author(s) in PDF must be submitted by the corresponding author for consideration of publication.
Below are instructions to format your manuscript.
General for Word document
- Margin: Top = 2 cm; Bottom = 2 cm; Left = 2 cm; Right = 2 cm.
- Font: Times New Roman, in most parts Size = 12 pt.
- Alignment: Justified.
- Spacing: 0 pt.
- Line spacing: Single.
- Left Indentation: First line: 1 cm.
A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) will be issued upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication. Please do not change this part of the document.
Author Names
- Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
- Alignment: Center.
- Spacing: Before: 12 pt.; After: 12 pt.
- Line spacing: Single.
- Indentation: 0 cm.
- Names are separated with commas.
- Note that author names should be in the order “Firstname Lastname”, and the style of author names should be kept consistent within one paper. One author’s name should not be split into two lines. The Lastname could not be abbreviated, and try not to abbreviate the Firstname. Middle names can be added, abbreviated, or optionally written in full at the authors’ discretion. A dot is required after an abbreviated name.
- Include ORCID iD icon
with hyperlink for each author. Example ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0009-0007-5843-8995. Example of icon with hyperlink
- Corresponding author should be indicated by placing a superscript asterisk (*) next to their name in the author list.
Author Affiliation Numbers
- Font: Superscript.
- A normal space is required between author name and affiliation numbers; no space is required between affiliation numbers, only a superscript comma.
- No space is required between affiliation number and asterisk (*), only a superscript comma.
- If only one affiliation, there is no affiliation number; for more than one affiliation, affiliation numbers are added as superscript Arabic numbers.
- The affiliation numbers should be added after the author names.
- If one author has more than one affiliation number, affiliation numbers should be in numerical order.
Author Affiliations and Corresponding Author Contact
- Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
- Alignment: Center.
- Spacing: Before: 0 pt.; After: 0 pt.
- Line spacing: Single.
- Indentation: 0 cm.
- Required Information: University or other organization’s full name and location (city and country). The spelling of the university/organization/country/city’s name should be correct.
- Order: List affiliations in the same order as the authors.
- Use superscript numbers to correspond to authors.
- Corresponding Author Contact Information: Add in a new line after the affiliation and start with “*email:”. This part should contain the e-mail of corresponding author.
Manuscript Title
- Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt., Bold.
- Alignment: Center.
- Spacing: Before: 12 pt.; After: 12 pt.
- Line spacing: Multiple 1.15.
- Indentation: 0 cm.
- Title should be uppercase.
Abstract and Keywords
- Font: Times New Roman, 10 pt. Bold “Abstract:” and “Keywords:”
- Alignment: Justified.
- Spacing: Before: 0 pt.; After: 12 pt.
- Line spacing: Multiple 1.15.
- Indentation: First line: 0 cm.
- One paragraph for the abstract (no website links, equations, figures, graphical elements, tables, references, section, or appendix).
- Keywords: keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, etc.
- Keywords should be lowercase, except acronyms (such as AI), proper names (such as Darcy’s low), chemical species (such as Na+, Si).
- Sentences should not be used as keywords.
Main Text
- Headings displayed by using decimal system for indicating sections of main text.
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results
- Discussion/Analysis
- Conclusion
- Maximum number of heading levels: 3 (2.1., 2.1.1., 2.1.2. … etc.). First number from the left is the number of first-level heading.
- Font: Times New Roman; 12 pt.; Bold.
- Alignment: Left.
- Indentation: First line: Left: 1 cm.
- Spacing: Before: 12 pt.; After: 3 pt. Headings at the top of page should have no space
before them.
- Line spacing: Single.
- Subheadings and Sub-subheadings: Normal (not Bold, not Italic).
- Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
- Alignment: Justified.
- Indentation: First line: Left: 1 cm.
- Line spacing: Single.
References’ Citations
- The references should be cited with the reference number in an “[]”, such as “[1]”, “[1, 2]”, and “[2 – 4]”. Additionally, they must be cited in ascending order of appearance in the text.
- All references must be cited with Arabic numbers.
- Citations with more than two consecutive references should be replaced with a dash (–) in between: “[1]”, “[1,2]”, “[3 – 5]”, and “[1,3 – 5,7]”.
- All units should not be in Italic format.
- Units can be connected with a center dot (multiply sign) or a normal space, such as
“mol·L-1”, “mol L-1”. Keep the author provided and make sure the whole manuscript is identical.
Figures (Schemes)
- The order and the citation of each Figure must be in sequence and correct.
- In the main text, all figures should be cited in the following formats: Figure 1, Figures 3 and 4, Figures 1, 3 and 4, Figures 1 – 3, Figures 1 and S1, Figures 1 and A2, Figure 1a, b, Figure 1a – c, Figure 9a or Figure 9c, Figure 9a or Figure 10c.
- The figure or table is usually put after its first citation, but it can be adjusted depending on the blank space.
- Alignment: Center.
- Spacing: Before: 12 pt., After: 0 pt.
- Line spacing: Single.
- DPI: 300+.
Figure (Schemes) caption:
- Font size: 12 pt.
- Indentation: 0 cm.
- Alignment: Center.
- Spacing: Before: 6 pt., After: 12 pt.
- Line spacing: Single.
- Figure caption should be written below the image.
- Subfigures: should be numbered by Latin letters with parentheses, e.g., (a), (b), (c), which should be put below the image or within the image. Subfigures should be provided with sub-caption and put sub-caption in figure caption.
- Format as “Figure X.”.
- Tables should be prepared in MS Word/Excel table format, not inserted as images.
- The order and the citation of each table must be made in sequence and correct.
- In the main text, tables should be cited in the following formats: Table 1, Tables 3 and 4, Tables 1, 3 and 4, Tables 1 – 3, Tables 1 and S1, Tables 1 and A2.
- Indentation: 0 cm.
- Alignment: Left.
Table caption:
- Font size: 12 pt.
- Indentation: 0 cm.
- Alignment: Justified.
- Spacing: Before: 12 pt., After: 6 pt.
- Line spacing: Single.
- Table caption appears before the table.
- Format as “Table X.”.
Table content:
- Font size: 12 pt.
- Preferred format: Alignment: Center/Left.
- Line spacing: Single.
- The table header should be in bold face and capitalized all initial letters.
- Font size: 12 pt.
- Equations should be written in a table of one row with two columns, with the main equation in the first column: Alignment: Center; Spacing: Before/After: 6 pt.; Left Indentation: 25 cm.
- Equation number is in the second column: Alignment: Right; Spacing: Before/After: 6 pt.; Indentation: 0 cm.
- If there are two formulas in a row, table should be with two rows with the same alignment, indentation and spacing as a first.
- If the equation is cited in the main text, it should be labeled with an Arabic number with parentheses, e.g., Equation (1), Equations (1) and (2), and Equations (1) – (3).
- The sentence or paragraph which start as capitalized letter below the single-line formula should be indented (1 cm.). Start as lower case should be without indent; “where” after equations should be in lower case without indent.
Mathematical Objects (Including Theorems, Proofs, Remarks, etc.)
- Font size: 12 pt.
- Alignment: Justified.
- Left Indentation: 1 cm.
- Spacing: Before/After: 6 pt.
- Line Spacing: Single.
- Should be labeled with an Arabic number, and numbered in sequentially.
- Text should be Normal (not Bold, not Italic).
- Theorem X. should be bold, and finish with a full stop.
- Examples, Propositions, Lemmas, Definitions or Remarks, Proofs can be formatted in the same way, but should be numbered independently.
- Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
- Number algorithms sequentially and cite them in the text.
- Provide algorithms in an editable format; do not use images.
- Number of Rows: 2.
- Number of Columns: 2.
- First row (Caption): Columns are merged.
- Second row (Content): First Column: Line Numbers. Second Column: Algorithm Steps.
- Line Spacing: Single.
- Format as “Algorithm X:”.
- Alignment: Left.
- Spacing Before/After: 3 pt.
Line Numbers:
- Alignment: Right.
- Right Indentation: 0.2 cm.
- Spacing Before/After: 3 pt.
Algorithm Steps:
- Alignment: Left.
- Spacing Before/After: 3 pt.
- Top Border: 1.5 pt.
- Line below Title: 0.5 pt.
- Bottom Border: 0.5 pt.
- Number of Rows: 2.
- Number of Columns: 2.
- First row (Caption): Columns are merged.
- Second row (Content): First Column: Line Numbers. Second Column: Code.
- Listings should be numbered sequentially and referenced in the main text.
- Listings should be editable and not use images.
- May include borders, backgrounds, and other styles to enhance readability
- Format as “Listing X:”.
- Alignment: Left.
- Spacing Before/After: 3 pt.
Line Numbers:
- Font: Consolas, Inconsolata, or Courier. Size: smaller than Caption.
- Alignment: Right.
- Right Indentation: 0.2 cm.
- Spacing Before/After: 0 pt.
- Line Spacing: Minimum, 15 pt.
- Font: Consolas, Inconsolata, or Courier. Size: smaller than Caption
- Alignment: Left.
- Left Indentation: 0.2 cm.
- Spacing Before/After: 0 pt.
- Line Spacing: Minimum, 15 pt.
- Employ colors to distinguish keywords
Acknowledgments/Funding/Author Contributions/ Conflicts of Interest/Information about authors
- Font size: 10 pt.
- Alignment: Justified.
- Indentation: Left Indentation: 1cm.
- Spacing: Before/After: 0 pt.
- Line spacing: Single.
- Use reference management software such as EndNote, Zotero, or Mendeley.
- Choose IEEE reference style.
- Example of reference in text: as shown by Brown [4], [5]; as mentioned earlier [2], [4], [5], [6], [7], [9]; Smith [4] and Brown and Jones [5]; Wood et al. [7]; authors [1]–[4].
For more information visit IEEE Author Center:
- Resources and Tools for authors: https://ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/
- Reference Guide (V 11.29.2023): https://journals.ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/IEEE_Reference_Guide.pdf